Unlock Creative Blocks

When I feel creatively blocked I don’t get freaked out (anymore).

What helps me when I’m creatively blocked…

When I feel creatively blocked I don’t get freaked out (anymore). I’ve realized a pattern that informs how I unlock my creative floodgates.

Creativity is play. It’s daydreaming then piecing that dream together in real life with the tools at hand. If I haven’t had time to play, if I haven’t been relaxed enough to daydream, I’ve shut off the floodgates.

I’ve found that scheduling time to rest, just rest, is essential. Another thing that helps is to consume some type of art for the sake of enjoyment, not for the purpose of getting ideas; I listen to music, watch a movie, read a book. I fill this soul up! Stuff it full of soul-food.

Doing something that’s restful for my body & soul, with no goal other than to enjoy myself, is a healing balm for creative block. There are so many things…dancing and going for a walk are two I love. And there’s something about going to a garden center/garden nursery that releases all sorts of stress as well as ignites my passions.

There are two other things I have to mention that get the creative juices flowing again. One is going somewhere totally new. I love doing this! I love exploring and surprising my senses. The other is following my interests. My creativity is unique to me and your creativity will be unique to you. Follow where it leads. Your curiosity holds power to open the floodgates of your imagination and passion.

Next time you feel creatively blocked, try these out and see what happens.

  • Rest

  • Consume art

  • Do something enjoyable with no goal other than to enjoy

  • Go somewhere totally new

  • Follow your interests

I hope these can help!

*If you’d love to have a friend (that’s me!) send you emails of encouragement, insight and suggestions to live a creative life, then click here to sign up for CELEBRATE the newsletter. Or pop in here to the blog whenever the spirit moves you for a creative nudge!

Creating makes me feel alive. I want you to experience that same vibrancy!

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