CELEBRATE the blog

What does it mean to celebrate the art of living? To me it means to find and create moments of joy throughout every ordinary day.

It was at a time in my life that I was struggling to find any celebration in life that I discovered it is possible to find joy. In the darkest times I was also able to experience light and it kept me afloat.

Let me clarify that celebrating life isn’t about feeling happy all the time! That isn’t realistic or healthy. When we suppress all negative emotion, it actually harms the body.

For me, truly celebrating life includes allowing myself to experience hurt, anger, sadness, loss, etc. and also feeling joy. In times of my deepest struggles I certainly didn’t have to go looking for things to be sad about, they happened on their own. I did, however, have to train my mind to look for things to feel joyful about and that’s how this practice of celebrating the art of living started for me.

This practice of intentionally looking for and creating joy is what I refer to as celebrating life. Going a step further, when I find and create joy that is my own personal style, my own personal preferences, my own personal flair, I’m not only celebrating life, I’m celebrating the art of living!

Put that kombucha in a martini glass! Sit outside drinking chai tea in the morning listening to the birds. Walk barefoot! Dance! Surround yourself with things you love. For me it’s people I love, wild plants, great books, art and music! I light candles anytime I can. I create, create, create some more!

Don’t wait for vacation or a big occasion to love your life.

I geek out over this stuff! I’m enamored with the fact that we have some control over how we feel. I’ve studied phycology and still do. I listen to podcasts of people devoted to living their best lives. I read books about it. I experiment with the information I learn. I find out what works for me.

When I find ways to celebrate the art of living and things that improve my overall well-being, I love to share it. I’ve benefitted invaluably from others so I want to freely give away what I’ve found to be helpful. It’s a win-win if something that works for me works for you as well!

Cheers to celebrating the art of living, even when life it hard - especially when life is hard!

Betsy Rowe

Betsy is the artist behind Betsy Rowe Art. She’s driven by the desire to see her ideas come to life as well as lifting up others to do the same. Her mission is to celebrate the art of living.


i am we