i am we

I fall to the floor, sink into myself and melt. 

my grief pulses with hot pressure, it travels through the string i hold in my hand and into a red balloon. 

i'm so tired.

i let my grief become what it is. i don't hold back. it gushes out through the string into the balloon, filling and swelling the red, rubbery walls.  

grief unfurls itself into the balloon, hot grief-lava roiling forward in expansion.

the balloon grows as big as the house.

it grows, lifts and emerges large over the neighborhood.

the red, rubbery skin is now stretched so thin it's translucent, like pink bubblegum.

the balloon absorbs me. there is no distinction between me and the balloon. we are the same thing.  

we grow as large as the world.

we envelop the world and grow into the galaxy. the translucent bubblegum skin disintegrates, it morphs into air with twinkling sounds and we mesh with the infinite architecture of love. 

there is no containment. 

we are nothing and we are everything. we are nowhere and we are everywhere.

everything is love. 

i am we. 

we are i. 

i is love. 

we are infinite love.

it's all love. 

love is the color of light. 

i bask in light.

love is. 

love is. 

love is

i am love. my grief is love. 

i'm being held by love, breathing it in and out. slow and deep

I take a deep breath in. i breathe in love. 

I breathe out. I'm connected to everything.

i start to become aware of my breath.

i feel the hard floor beneath me

my eyes softly flutter. 

I slowly open my eyes.

my eyes take in the room, becoming reacquainted with this dimension. 

I roll my head to the side to look at my hand.

i see my hand, there is no string

i see no balloon anywhere.

But there is me,

and there is my awareness of everyone i love,

and there is the deep knowing of Infinite Light holding us all in the Architecture of Love

Betsy Rowe

Betsy is the artist behind Betsy Rowe Art. She’s driven by the desire to see her ideas come to life as well as lifting up others to do the same. Her mission is to celebrate the art of living.




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